The story takes place in the late 1970's in a town called Yonkers, New York. A city known at the time for its police brutality, corrupt politicians, and rumors of underworld activity. A music emerges that was destined to change the world. Come and take the journey, and walk with pioneers. Learn how a town became a prime mover of the Hip Hop culture since the foundation, and the music industries reluctance to give local talent the big break. You will experience the MC's and DJ battles, stories of bad contract agreements, and read about how it feels to have doors slammed in your face; this created a musical hunger that fueled a towns relentless pursuit to get their music heard, eventually taking them to the top of the music industry. Each story blends together like a fine symphony creating a time line designed to keep you on edge. As you laugh, cry, learn, reflect, and walk away with a better appreciation for the music we call Hip Hop.